NYC in Photos
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New York,
So long Manhattan!
I have to say that I've had the most awesome of times here; it's been a great experience and I have made sure that I still have plenty to do... a return trip is a must sometime.
In the past couple of days we’ve been to St. Patrick’s cathedral, walked along Brooklyn Bridge which was a very worthwhile experience indeed, and spent time in Greenwich village. Also made sure that I topped up my wardrobe in Abercrombie & Fitch (love this store) and used some present money to buy a special souvenir from Tiffany’s.
Now in free limousine to the airport! Not long to go now until 2009! x
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New York,
Photo of the Week: New York Edition
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New York,
Photo of the Week
Christmas Day in NYC
After opening the pressies we went for a long walk in Central Park. Lovely scene. People playing and families chatting, skaters skating and me photographing :P. Beautiful day, not too cold and wonderful blue skies yet again. Later on we headed down to 5th Avenue which was totally packed full of people again, quite amazing; would never see that back in the UK. Went to Starbucks for a coffee (or in my case a Hot Chocolate – how can you beat that, surely?)
Oh, I must mention my present. My parents gave me a real gold chain – a very expensive one looking at it – which I already love. Have always wanted one and will keep it on as much as possible now. I’m a lucky boy… will give me something to sell if the Credit Crunch gets much worse. ;-)
Myself and my sister in the Waldolf=Astoria, and below a photo of a man about to fall over in Central Park…
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New York,
Cold Beyond Belief
*teeth trembling* COOOOLLLLDDDD!! is how I would describe today... I think my toes are still defrosting. Blue skies again in NYC today however the temperature took a nose-dive to -12C; perhaps the coldest I've witnessed in my 19 years on this Earth...
…What then better to take an open-top bus tour!! It was kinda pre-planned but we should have changed it into retrospect. Anyway! Today we took the bus tour down to Lower Manhattan which was delightful. Through Greenwich Village and SoHo – very nice to see the New Yorkian versions; nice and edgy.
Finally we arrived in the financial district and had a look around the Ground Zero. A bit too frozen to appreciate it I think so hopefully will go back some time in a warmer climate! However we did go into the little old church next door which miraculously survived pretty much in tact. Some very moving accounts of 9/11 inside.
Also discovered a bell that the Lord Mayor of London had presented to New York as an act of friendship; very honourable.
Later on we took a look around Wall Street – a wonderful little district in my opinion – reminds me very much of The City in London. Here’s the photo to prove my visit:
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New York,
*Liam in New York*
Today was a lovely day with beautiful blue skies and not too chilly. Snow seems to have all gone. With this in mind we decided to take the opportunity to ascend the Empire State Building.
Luckily I had decided to pre-book tickets online because when we arrived there was a 4 hour queue! So definitely recommended as we got to skip every single queue all the way up the tower.
I found the elevators particularly impressive; they rose 80 stories in the same time as the one in my halls does (only 15 stories), and with less rattle. To be honest, if you were blind you wouldn’t realise that you are moving. The Art Deco original interior is also impressive – glad they have kept it all! We went in late afternoon and stayed until sunset, which again I recommend. It was stunning!
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New York,
Yellow Taxiness!
First time to New York having only been to Florida in the past. Now sitting in the back of a yellow taxicab travelling in the evening rush hour. Will take about half an hour to get to our hotel in the centre.
Will report back in a few days with some photos!
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New York,
Carols in Trafalgar Square
Parents, tourists and Londoners began to gather around the tree as the singers sang all the usual suspects. It is a time like that where you can really appriciate humanity and your confidence in it is restored.
On to the Rockefeller Center!
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Gordon Brown Saves the World
Yes, you heard it right, take a look for yourself…
The laughter is delightfully like a sitcom.
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