*teeth trembling* COOOOLLLLDDDD!! is how I would describe today... I think my toes are still defrosting. Blue skies again in NYC today however the temperature took a nose-dive to -12C; perhaps the coldest I've witnessed in my 19 years on this Earth...
…What then better to take an open-top bus tour!! It was kinda pre-planned but we should have changed it into retrospect. Anyway! Today we took the bus tour down to Lower Manhattan which was delightful. Through Greenwich Village and SoHo – very nice to see the New Yorkian versions; nice and edgy.
Finally we arrived in the financial district and had a look around the Ground Zero. A bit too frozen to appreciate it I think so hopefully will go back some time in a warmer climate! However we did go into the little old church next door which miraculously survived pretty much in tact. Some very moving accounts of 9/11 inside.
Also discovered a bell that the Lord Mayor of London had presented to New York as an act of friendship; very honourable.
Later on we took a look around Wall Street – a wonderful little district in my opinion – reminds me very much of The City in London. Here’s the photo to prove my visit: