Official Website of Liam Houghton

Financial Fool’s Day

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Hmm, I have to say that I am not impressed with the protestors at today’s G20 demonstrations in the City.

“Money is for losers”, “Property is theft”, people hailing the death of Canary Wharf and the rise of Power to the People. Are these people deluded? I understand that many of the people protesting aren’t anarchists etc but there are a lot who are and it’s a real shame that they are so confused with reality. Although the banking system has collapsed now for many, many years it has helped lift people out of poverty, has made us all wealthier, has regained Britain’s power status and brought much talent and investment to the UK. OK it’s had a problem, but we can solve it. Their alternative I doubt they would even want if it happened in reality.

Plus what is it with stupid protestors violently smashing windows at the Royal Bank of Scotland?! That back is majority owned by the tax payer now and thus effectively they will have to pay for their own damage through higher taxes!

I wouldn’t say this is Financial Fool’s Day – more like Protesting Fool’s Day.


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