Official Website of Liam Houghton

Shard Observatory Ticket Registration

Sunday, 12 February 2012

The observation deck on Europe’s tallest building will open to the public in February 2013, only a year after the tower is ‘topped out’. At the time of writing the construction process is almost complete from the outside, with only the cladding on the spire – above the observatory – remaining. 

The building will appear to be complete before the London 2012 Olympic Games in July, but will take an additional year to fit out. Perhaps this gives the perfect opportunity for the structure to become a firework launch pad on Opening Ceremony night…


The public viewing gallery will comprise of several parts; firstly, a large 3-storey internal space – perfect shelter for the blustery British weather – and one which is likely to host a multitude of interactive devices to enable visitors to take a panoramic tour of the city.

Next – in a first for London – they’ll be an outdoor viewing deck at an incredible height of 280m; a similar perspective to the famous viewing platforms in New York with the Empire State Building and the Rockefeller Center.

Finally, it’s also rumoured that they’ll be a tiny meditation space housed within the Shard’s spire which is likely to be invite only due to its capacity. This spire space, right at the apex of the building, was initially intended to house a giant radiator as part of the service infrastructure, however energy efficiency improved so much in the decade from when plans where drawn up to when construction started that it could be reduced dramatically in size.

You can pre-register on The Shard’s Website to be alerted when tickets become available.

I expect them to be priced at around the same as a ticket for the London Eye - currently £17 for an adult.